Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Officejet G85 Print Niet

Meet the winner of National Book Fair 2011

Each year, the Group awards the Leon Jimenez National Book Fair Eduardo Leon Jimenez in the international literary context.

this year who won the prize was Manuel Salvador Gautier, with the work "dimension to God," which explores the journey of Duarte to Barcelona from 1829 to 1831.

is a fictional text that explores a biographical piece on the life of Juan Pablo Duarte, the journey to the Father of the Nation today made Barcelona from 1829 to 1831.

The verdict was given by a jury of renowned intellectuals Jeannette Miller, Adriano Miguel Tejada and Jose del Castillo, who emphasized the quality of the work, which stood at 55 titles that came into competition this year, the highest figure in the history of this award.

According to the verdict, said Gautier's work "for his outstanding literary quality and narrative rhythm, exploring, using the historical reality and fiction, Juan Pablo Duarte connection with Barcelona and the liberation movements the time that shape the thinking patriotic father of his country. "

The jury noted, moreover, that this work contributes to a better understanding of the figure of patrician, "whose life still has outstanding facets of exploration, and also enriches the narrative and the historical novel Dominican."

Manuel Salvador Gautier received the prize of 450 thousand pesos and an official certificate from the hands of Abel Wachsmann, president of Grupo Leon Jimenes, who pondered the significance of this award is for the Dominican literature, for writers and the local business consortium headed.

"For Grupo León Jimenes is very important award and project literature Dominican Republic, as part of our commitment to local cultural development, and understanding that building a better nation requires citizens increasingly more open to useful knowledge. This award seeks to exalt each year the contributions of our authors Dominicans, who with his productions contribute to the development of a people capable of understanding his past, a people more aware of their present and most able to appreciate the complexity of life, "said Wachsmann.


Engineer-Architect of the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) and Ph.D. in Architecture from the Universita degli Studi Rome, Italy, Manuel Salvador Gautier began his writing in 1993, when he published the tetralogy "Time for Heroes" with the novels "Dare", "Details of exile," "Convergence" and "Monte inside."

Other titles by this author are "whole life", "Serenata," "Fate is a tower of Paris", "James in the clear" and "The murderer of the rains." He has also won major literary awards, including the Hugo Award in History, Fiction Award Manuel de Jesus Galván; el Segundo Premio en el Concurso Internacional de Cuentos y Poesía, y el Premio Citta de Viareggio.

Ha publicado ensayos cortos en las revistas literarias y otros medios de comunicación. Ha sido panelista en varias ocasiones en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Santo Domingo, y participado como conferencista en la presentación de varias obras literarias.

En 2005 fue nombrado Coordinador del Grupo Mester de la Academia de la Lengua, que tiene como objetivo difundir la narrativa dominicana; y en diciembre de 2007 fue nombrado Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Dominicana de la Lengua, Correspondiente de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua.


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