Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sg Female Waxing For Men

there are stars in the sky, and I say: Pico Conchetumare!

XD I have blog viteh, if you want you get, if not ... I have viteh vest!
As I put the following first entry I found on the net: breaking news


Alarming reports have been arriving from Europe, indicating that Liwenthog, Germany, have discovered a new metal alloy, with properties superior to copper at very low cost. This new success of European scientists lead an unprecedented revolution in the market, only comparable to the nitrate happened centuries ago.

Chilean specialists in this area have not been left out of this finding and have openly declared:
"Conchetumare, German Culiao, we fucked up again."

From Germany, Dr. Nelson Von Alfreth Whireth, a renowned physicist and chemist at the University of Lüstaint, tasked with the project that gave the synthetic copper, said in an exclusive contact
Chile: "HA HA, the cagamos again."

This "nonoticia" was a joke, so do not be alarmed, we are still the "Latin American jaguar," and copper is still our main source of income ... well, for some few> _ < , ya que para la mayoría de los chilenos, todavía seguimos teniendo los mismos sueldos, siendo que la bencina, el pasaje de la micro entre otras cosas, suben su valor T_T cada cierto tiempo.
What if these Germans really invented a substitute for copper? ... My opinion is that we go to shit, because Chile has only been concerned to import natural resources, but has not invested enough in research and develop technologies that allow us in the future, not having to buy these Germans and Japanese, to give an example, cars or electronic devices they manufacture with steel or copper that we sell.


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