Monday, September 7, 2009
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What's this afternoon was strange, but strange if not the best word, since many people must have passed them sometime, but uncomfortable ... much. You could say I always knew that we would meet again sooner or later because the world is small, Chile is small ... Conce is small.
still remember the Preu, when I looked with horror face that time when I mentioned I wanted to study mathematics pedagogy. But how?, She said, are the best in the class, if you take 800 pts in tests, study "medicine" better, you will earn more money.
I do not like, I said, I like math, or biology. She grumbled ...
That was the moment that turned away from me ...
6 years later, we met again ... but we had each other's side, she looked at me, I looked askance, then looked down, and on our way. I did not look back, only forward ...
There was no turning, back ... we were strangers ...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Foreign Currency Graph
God created the donkey and said
"will work tirelessly from dawn to dusk, carrying bags on their backs, you have no intelligence and you will live 40 years." The donkey answered: "I will do that. But to live 40 years is too much. Dame only 20 years. "And so God did.
God created the dog and said," You'll be dog. Look after the men's house and be the best friend. Eat the food you give and live 20 years. "The dog answered:" I will do that, but living 20 years is too long. Give me just 10 years. "And so God did.
God created the monkey and said:" You will be mono swing from top to top of the trees do silly, fun and you will live 20 years. "The monkey answered:" I will do all that, but living 20 years is too long. Give me just 10 years. "And so God did.
Finally, God created man and said: "You will be Man, the only rational being on the face of the Earth, you will use your intelligence to rise above other animals, in the world and live 30 years." The man replied: "I will be the most intelligent of all animals, overpower the world, but living 30 years is enough, Lord. Give me the 20 years that the donkey refused, the 10 dog and 10 in the monkey." And so did God.
why man lives 30 years as a man. He marries and goes to live 20 years like a donkey, working from sunrise to sunset. After you retire and live 10 years as a dog, guarding the house. Then they get old and lives 10 years monkey, jumping from the house of a child to another and doing tricks to amuse his grandchildren.
Monday, July 27, 2009
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This story I found online, and I found it funny, see 2 different versions of the same situation as seen from the perspective of a woman ... and a man.
On Saturday night I found strange.
We had arranged to meet in a bar for a drink. I
entire afternoon shopping with friends and thought it was my fault because I arrived a little late for my appointment, but he made no comment.
The conversation was lively and que le propuse ir a un lugar más íntimo para poder charlar más tranquilamente.
Fuimos a un restaurante y él se seguía portando de forma extraña.
Estaba como ausente.
Intenté que se animara y empecé a pensar si sería por culpa mía o por cualquier otra cosa.
Le pregunté y me dijo que no tenía que ver conmigo.
Pero no me quedé muy convencida.
En el camino para casa, en el auto, le dije que lo quería mucho y él se limitó a pasarme el brazo por los hombros, sin contestarme.
No sé cómo explicar su actitud, porque no me dijo que él también me quería, no dijo nada y yo estaba cada vez más preocupada.
Llegamos por fin home and at that moment I thought he wanted me. So I tried to make him talk, but turned on the TV and started looking at air
far as making me see that everything was over between us.
finally gave up and told him I was going to bed.
About ten minutes later, he came too and, to my surprise,
corresponded to my touch and made love.
But still had a distracted air.
Then I wanted to address the situation, talk to him sooner, but he fell asleep.
I began to mourn and cry until I fell asleep.
I do not know what to do.
I'm pretty sure that his thoughts are another.
My life is a disaster.
Today Chile lost the football game.
At least I stuck a grip.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
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Today is the saddest day of my life because I have not finished with you ... ours can not go further.
You will take half of my heart and leave a void in my soul tormented by the beautiful moments we spent together .
Within the next hours, my mind recalled on those first few strokes, and my mouth will feel the desire to kiss your lips again. And they will do every hour and every second of every day ...
The following days will be dark ... light projecting your perfect smile away to me, and my eyes shine with melancholy, anxious to see your pretty face that and never submitted to them. My voice cry your name until my vocal cords ending torn .
finally confessing to finish my pillow so much I miss you. But neither she nor much less you may hear no answer, so I'll stay here, drowning in my tears, and you will not be there to console my sorrow ...
Why what we have to say goodbye? ... Why it hurts so much knowing that I can not have You in my arms and gently caress your face?. I do not know and might not ever know ...
All I can say with certainty is that there is always the memory of what was our love.
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feel so sad is that every day I wonder: How long will it?.
Even when I lock myself in solitude, I feel ... even when I'm asleep I feel, but more tragic, is this love that keeps me at peace and makes me feel like the wind ....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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El Sueño del Caracol is a story that talks about the destination. The various topics covered in this beautiful film and are plain to see: love at first sight and true love, communication and isolation, courage and timidity, and of course the time and death.
The short, strives to support these themes through small details that are obvious as the story progresses ...
-Oliver's book reading in the cafeteria, at first, is about a car accident. Predicting their own destiny.
-circular movements of the spoon in the coffee ... destination, the circle of life.
-moth is always present while Oliver. Julia discovers that it has disappeared from their normal location, the same day as Oliver is gone. In the end, the moth came back the last plane in the window of Julia's room.
"The book that randomly picks Julia, is one with the title" The Dream of the snail. " Both players live in separate worlds, hidden in their shells, and their relationship develops and moves slowly, like snails, dragging with them the weight of their own complexes and fears.
"It shows three different worlds. Julia's, with more light and cordial. One neutral, presentation, meeting. The cafeteria. And finally, the library, the world of Oliver, the darker and mysterious, as yet undiscovered. Symbolizing that journey into the unknown. Julia tries to be brave for the first time to really fight for what you want.
-At the entrance of the library is a woman watching a tarot card. (Destination, future)
"When Julia, in his room, he fell with his back against the wall, the shadows of the window, takes the form of a cross.
These are without doubt some of the most obvious.
The grace of this film is that, in such a short time, not only manages to tell a story with beginning, middle and end, but also succeeds in showing a real evolution and transformation of the characters. An example of this is that Julia's principle is not the same Julia 15 minutes later.
the end, when you see it again and again, I'll leave that contradictory feelings of sadness and happiness at the same time. The first to lose forever those who want it and second to discover that the love is unrequited. The fate, life and love are so immense and powerful concepts that will not hesitate to show us how insignificant we are. CARPE DIEM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What Aboitic Factors Does A Parrot Need
Tenía bastante botado este blog, y como hoy ando un poco inspirado, pues ... Bueno, hace algun tiempo me di cuenta de cuales eran las actuales prioridades de mi vida:
La primera, es terminar de escribir la tesis, para salir de la U con el titulo en la mano y así conseguir un trabajo, el cual me permita pagar mis gastos (deudas universitarias), darme mis lujos (como ir a tocatas, conciertos, salir al cine, etc), y obviamente ayudar a mis seres queridos en lo que pueda (mamá, hermana, papá... familia por parte de papá xD)
La segunda es mantener cerca mío a aquellas personas, "amistades"(difícil palabra, ya que para mi un "amig@" no se encuentra in any corner) I've known over the years and with whom I shared ... but this time, I will not make the same mistake in the past when I lost contact with those with whom I have maintained and continued a friendship ...
This is why I've taken the time to make a selection of those with whom I have more affinity (in common) and with whom I get along better ... I do not care to have "million friends" he spoke roberto carlos, since it is impossible to devote the necessary time to many people, and one thing leads to another ... quantity not quality is the same thing: P ... I want to keep close to people who make my life, with which I can be me himself, who are with me in difficult times, and that in turn can help me become a better person xD ...
other hand, I made a selection of those with whom there was no feeling, nothing in common (except for some things, like the same race, or mutual friends), and others that the way I do not want to see again by nasty, poisonous, or peeling ...
the end, I am left with not many contacts both in MSN, facebook, but as well the saying: "He who covers a lot, just press"
And the third is to start a family ... I know it's crazy to think if I'm single again, no formal girlfriend (for now), but I think it is fundamental in any human being having someone to complement ... someone to share touching, kissing, various emotions, in turn, have a fruit of that love ... a son ... is the maximum that could happen to anyone: P.
I do not think we were born or live to work ... not born to walk alone through life, not to spend all day locked in the pc as people who know ... not born to question and find fault with everyone ... the world is to enjoy, communicate, meet interesting people ... sometimes suffer disappointments, but you always learn something.
I think if you were born to be happy .. everyone can be happy if he tries, ... I hope to meet these priorities in the rest of my life ... to achieve absolute happiness: P