This story I found online, and I found it funny, see 2 different versions of the same situation as seen from the perspective of a woman ... and a man.
On Saturday night I found strange.
We had arranged to meet in a bar for a drink. I
entire afternoon shopping with friends and thought it was my fault because I arrived a little late for my appointment, but he made no comment.
The conversation was lively and que le propuse ir a un lugar más íntimo para poder charlar más tranquilamente.
Fuimos a un restaurante y él se seguía portando de forma extraña.
Estaba como ausente.
Intenté que se animara y empecé a pensar si sería por culpa mía o por cualquier otra cosa.
Le pregunté y me dijo que no tenía que ver conmigo.
Pero no me quedé muy convencida.
En el camino para casa, en el auto, le dije que lo quería mucho y él se limitó a pasarme el brazo por los hombros, sin contestarme.
No sé cómo explicar su actitud, porque no me dijo que él también me quería, no dijo nada y yo estaba cada vez más preocupada.
Llegamos por fin home and at that moment I thought he wanted me. So I tried to make him talk, but turned on the TV and started looking at air
far as making me see that everything was over between us.
finally gave up and told him I was going to bed.
About ten minutes later, he came too and, to my surprise,
corresponded to my touch and made love.
But still had a distracted air.
Then I wanted to address the situation, talk to him sooner, but he fell asleep.
I began to mourn and cry until I fell asleep.
I do not know what to do.
I'm pretty sure that his thoughts are another.
My life is a disaster.
Today Chile lost the football game.
At least I stuck a grip.
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