Tenía bastante botado este blog, y como hoy ando un poco inspirado, pues ... Bueno, hace algun tiempo me di cuenta de cuales eran las actuales prioridades de mi vida:
La primera, es terminar de escribir la tesis, para salir de la U con el titulo en la mano y así conseguir un trabajo, el cual me permita pagar mis gastos (deudas universitarias), darme mis lujos (como ir a tocatas, conciertos, salir al cine, etc), y obviamente ayudar a mis seres queridos en lo que pueda (mamá, hermana, papá... familia por parte de papá xD)
La segunda es mantener cerca mío a aquellas personas, "amistades"(difícil palabra, ya que para mi un "amig@" no se encuentra in any corner) I've known over the years and with whom I shared ... but this time, I will not make the same mistake in the past when I lost contact with those with whom I have maintained and continued a friendship ...
This is why I've taken the time to make a selection of those with whom I have more affinity (in common) and with whom I get along better ... I do not care to have "million friends" he spoke roberto carlos, since it is impossible to devote the necessary time to many people, and one thing leads to another ... quantity not quality is the same thing: P ... I want to keep close to people who make my life, with which I can be me himself, who are with me in difficult times, and that in turn can help me become a better person xD ...
other hand, I made a selection of those with whom there was no feeling, nothing in common (except for some things, like the same race, or mutual friends), and others that the way I do not want to see again by nasty, poisonous, or peeling ...
the end, I am left with not many contacts both in MSN, facebook, but as well the saying: "He who covers a lot, just press"
And the third is to start a family ... I know it's crazy to think if I'm single again, no formal girlfriend (for now), but I think it is fundamental in any human being having someone to complement ... someone to share touching, kissing, various emotions, in turn, have a fruit of that love ... a son ... is the maximum that could happen to anyone: P.
I do not think we were born or live to work ... not born to walk alone through life, not to spend all day locked in the pc as people who know ... not born to question and find fault with everyone ... the world is to enjoy, communicate, meet interesting people ... sometimes suffer disappointments, but you always learn something.
I think if you were born to be happy .. everyone can be happy if he tries, ... I hope to meet these priorities in the rest of my life ... to achieve absolute happiness: P
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