Sunday, October 3, 2010

Galeria De Fotos Shotacon

Be One! we are eating the World

(A very long discussion but I had these thoughts for a long time).

Now What's for dinner?

1 ... Eat vegetables with the altered genes, because we are eating the world.

2 ... do not know exactly what we are eating and the question is was time to become vegetarians and "organic"?

3 ... Long time since modified and eat things we know are bad.
And if we know, why we continue to revolutionize crop and young animals is to say that the famine would be deeper and the world's poor no tendrían que comer,creo que sin engaños sería mejor el mundo.

4...Si todos pensáramos que ha llegado el momento de volver al mundo de lo natural, a los principios básicos, donde se beneficie la salud de las personas y donde cada vez se cultive con tecnologías orgánicas y así no tendremos problemas de consumir carne contaminada y empezaremos a respetar la vida de los seres y además las plantitas y vegetales tambiém están intervenidos,¿qué hacer?

5...Esto es el resultado desafortunado de la lucha mundial por la humanidad contra el hambre. Recuerden que hace 100 años el ser humano tenía como una de sus grandes preocupaciones la insuficiencia de la producción alimentaria agricultural. Scientists may have gotten us into trouble, but we must not close our eyes to the fact that they have helped more people have food, and so end the famine in the world ... We

6 aware of the destruction that followed by the planet through years. a pity that the man was not able to control and the same man is leading us to destruction, by his own ambition. Hopefully we can regain consciousness and the damage they've been doing to nature, our earth.

7 ... I think there should be concern and therefore a reflection on what we eating and how we are being absorbed by large food chains care without questioning whether or not their products meet minimum safety standards. Let us pause and stop eating and drinking. And we do not eat it all at once and do not scream like that réclame or business for 21 years "leave me one."

8 ... Centuries ago you eat badly and not now when the food is worse, what happens is that we now know more about what you eat because the analysis and research. The more research to become more likely to find food supplies is not what I think.

9 ... The man still has not learned to respect nature, that somehow has its own sabiduría.Sigamos marvel with what nature gives us, not destroy it and not eat all that is left in the world

10 ... Watching all these events (mad cow disease, genetically modified food , FMD and we are eating the world) can include many things, such as greenhouse effect, cloning, etc. Comes to my mind a phrase from American film called "Matrix" remember? in comparing humans with a virus, a virus reproduces, it attacks, destroys. I think the most damage we are doing to the planet. Hopefully people aware that the earth is our home and we have to care.

11 ... When is the last cow in the world and have nothing to eat, their meat will be worth any amount of money, and many willing to pay ... You think you are going to determine whether the cow had FMD or "X" disease?.

12 ... Feeding the animals with hormones, dioxin-contaminated chickens, and we kept saying that there was nothing to fear, and what comes next? lettuce with silicone or not!.

13 ... What's left to eat? plants may be animal meat and poultry ... All you have to do is grow them without using pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, and we ... eating what our ancestors ate.

14 ... I think we are now suffering the disastrous consequences of acts of nature. For this reason, it is very important to be aware of our place within the same ecosystem and the importance of taking care of our mother earth.

15 ... From the scientific point of view man and his natural environment, the Earth will see many things that are happening, both in regard to climatic changes as genetic mutations, this requires us to reflect on our future on Earth, I was serious but it's true.

We do not eat more than the World!!


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