The Stripper Number One Saving
All have flaws, but not serious, but some are ugly, to name one of them is that we are good at "stripping out". "
We have many virtues that are in solidarity, we have humor and wakes up we're laughing and we love the country, but the default ugly, ugly peeling out when we are invited. Many anecdotes of people
friends, acquaintances and relatives and the same Mrs. Bachelet came to stripping off the Currency Mr. Piñera, she who was president of Chile and I admire all demás.Un second, do not talk about politics, but meaning, it is that an authority does not respect how ugly it is "EXIT peeling."
Of those who for example, go through a door of a house where he was invited to eat and wonder or say "move to a restaurant" I have hunger seems that this family is heated it will not turn on the stove and froze or entumí me all afternoon, or my idea that the juice was yesterday? you notice the cups or stained etc.
Some fun peeling, but we agree that is very bad manners to pelts after an invitation, here in Chile when we mate to whom shall we say to peel? But so to speak, not for drinking mate peeling.
the foregoing is that the former President Michelle Bachelet after stripping out the invitation made by President of the Republic Mr. Sebastián Piñera, sure did not like the lunch, but drawing conclusions is copuchenta and stripping the number one of Chile That ugly!.
thought that this would bring dividends in its policy, with such high caliber pelts and thought that that was his home and did not have to change the color of the walls of the Currency or frame changes the President made in the Palace, one forgets that she is not the owner of that property, is of all Chileans, and that she was a single tenant.
for their pelts, all the Chileans remember that the currency re-loaded and copucheos pelts.
Not good life "peeling out" in a strange house, we can strip it to us. One should respect the invitation and know Who is the house they visit?.
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