Sunday, October 28, 2007

Inurl:view/view.shtml Deutschland

Scientifically proven

Have you noticed that when a phrase such as "bacteria have souls, and then attaches the phrase" scientifically proven ", people say: ahhh, well, if so it must be true and fall in and have a little game ... more careful where they step and where to put their poto, not to hurt the poor bacterita.

bad thing about this is that I have told 2 lies:

1 - There is no evidence that bacteria have souls.
2 - not even proven the existence of something called the soul in human beings.

And it's not a criticism of scientists (I would put into question myself), but rather to the lack of criticism that people have in general ... in simple words: all believe they are.

many times we have "sold the ointment" with stories, and whether by "innocence" or lack of criticism or information, we have been harmed by evil forces.

I think that's enough viteh lies, enough of the lies of politicians to their promises for a better Chile rough, when in fact all they want is your own benefit ...

enough to believe the deceptive ads of the banks with interest rates higher hyper, junk food (which, like a cigarette should put a picture of a morbidly overweight to control their eating habits and detailing all the harms of eating that shit), clothes to fashion (a fashion from whom?, each dressed as you wish), and products with the famous phrase "scientifically proven" ...
Another example could be a commercial for a toothpaste, in which different companies trying to convince people that their product is the best, preferred by dentists (90% recommend it), and kills 99% of plaque.

average person would say: Ahhh, but if you kill 99%, then it is the best toothpaste, I get 10 ...
but a more critical mind this misleading would say, "But wait, if we average our plaque 10 to 9 cfu (colony forming units), and action toothpaste kills at least 99 %....

do the math how many are in that 1%. Greetings


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